Our own Board are going to make a dog's breakfast out of it if we aren't careful. 如果我们不小心行事,我们的董事会就会乱成一团。
To create a sample application framework that we can use to build our own web server, you use make again to build a new project directory. 为了创建一个示例应用程序框架,以便用于构建我们自己的Web服务器,您将再一次使用make来生成新项目目录。
We are using a multiple-reader, single-writer application, so we must add our own synchronization to make sure that only one NHRT requests a measurement at a time. 我们使用的是多个读取方、单一写入方的应用程序,因此必须添加自己的同步,来确保同一时间只有一个NHRT请求一个度量结果。
We each have our own journeys in life, so just make sure yours counts! 我们每个人都有属于自己的快乐,所以确保你的梦想有价值就可以!
Let those we honour today inspire us to start our own journey to make the world a better place and bring our human family more closely together. 让那些我们今天向其致敬的人道主义工作者激励我们行动起来,将世界变得更美好,将我们人类大家庭更紧密地团结在一起。
We will develop our own systems to make such subtler credits easier to account for, and will collaborate with others working towards that same end. 我们会发展能够让这些潜在的微妙努力更容易被量化的体系,而且会和其他人合作来达到这个目标。
We can tell our loved ones how much we appreciate their thoughts and ideas, but that we need to live our own lives and make our own decisions. 我们可以告诉我们所爱的人,我们有多么欣赏他们的想法,但是我们自己的生命还是需要我们自己活出来,并且做出我们自己的决定。
Wang Ping: We should learn from other's strong points to offset our own weakness and make foreign things serve China. The Chinese sports clubs should use the above instances fully in its process of devel-opment. 王平:取长补短,洋为中用。以上的情况,中国的体育俱乐部的发展过程中应当充分借鉴。
Our victory over a football team considerably inferior to our own was nothing to make a song and dance about. 我们打赢一个实力比我们差得远的足球队,是没有什么好大吹大擂的。
We're given more responsibility than ever, having to manage our time well, possibly having to pay our own bills or make the grade to keep that scholarship. 突然有了更多的责任,需要管理好自己的时间、也许得稍微的养活自己或者为了奖学金把成绩把握好。
In order to transform the art language of figures in Chinese ink paintings, we have to break free form the traditional ideas, deriving nourishment form foreign art, reform and develop our own art language so as to make it full of vigor. 要对水墨人物画艺术语言进行转化,就要打破传统观念的束缚,汲取外来艺术的营养,改造和发展自己的艺术语言,使之更具生命力。
There is no way to make our own mature and make themselves more than the people smarter than us? 有没有办法使我们自己的思想成熟并且使自己胜过比我们聪明的人?
If we judge people whose ways of showing emotions are different according to our own cultural norms, we may make the mistake of "reading" the other person incorrectly. 如果我们以自己的文化标准去衡量那些表达感情方式不同的人们,我们就可能犯对他人做出不正确判断的错误。
Nothing less than this, the hating of our own life, will make us willing to bear the cross, and carry within us the sentence of death on our evil nature. 而且,恨恶自己生命的,就肯舍己牺牲,愿意背起自己的十字架,把老我的邪情私欲一并钉死在十字架上。
Keep a modest attitude for all time, but we must have our own dreams and make it seriously! 永远保持谦逊的态度,要有自己的理想,但要踏实的做!
I am not suggesting knowledge about ancient Greece or Rome or the legendary three emperors and Five Sovereigns in china-just our own history is enough to make many stumble. 太远的古希腊罗马不提,太久的三皇五帝也不说,就讲讲新加坡自己的历史吧。
But, why don't we just calm ourself down, and find a sunny afternoon, with a cup of tea, then ask our own heart to make sure what kind of dreams we have had so we can go ahead to work on it. 为什么不静下心来,在一个阳光灿烂的午后,品一杯清茶,和自己的内心,来一次对对话,弄清自己的梦想。
At the start of the new year, I hope that everyone, myself included, can reflect how we can all contribute in our own way to make ION a truly great institution. 在新年里,我希望每一个人能想一下我们如何能用自己的方式对神经所作出贡献。
Why can't we just make and use our own stuff, and the Chinese can make and use their own stuff? 为什么我们不能生产和使用我们自己的东西,而中国人生产和使用他们自己的?
We often project our own thought and beliefs upon strangers and make judgment based upon how we think they should be living their lives. 我们经常强加我们的想法和信念与陌生人身上;同时我们又经常按照我们的想法来要求他们应该如何生活。
As club president, we can add our own touch to make our club even better, bigger and more fun. 当分会会长时,我们可以加入自己的风格,使我们的分会更好、更强壮、更有趣。
We can set up our own service brands and make the national human resource service industry get more mature so long as we catch the valuable opportunity of China's entry into WTO and make efforts to innovate while learning from the overseas competitors. 只要我们抓住入世的宝贵机遇,在与国外同行的竞争中积极学习、借鉴和创新,就一定能树立起自己的服务品牌,使产业不断走向成熟。
We must acquire a better understanding of our own architectural culture, make a systematic study of our local buildings and their backgrounds. We need to reconsider our design methods to create new designs that embody the spirit of regional culture. 我们必须深入理解各自所在地区的地域建筑文化,系统地研究本地区的地域建筑及其相关联的地域性要素,重新思考我们的设计方法,创造出具有新地域建筑文化格调的作品。
It enlightens us that we should not only learn from the West, but also enlarge the great national tradition of our own, meanwhile combine both and make them keep pace with times. 这种历史性选择的启示是我们既要向西方学习,又要弘扬本民族的优秀传统,并对二者的结合做与时俱进的理解。
It can not only help us to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses, but also make us a deep understanding of life to complete our spiritual purification. 从而也有助于我们认识到自身的优缺点,启迪我们更加深入地理解和思考现实人生的种种困惑,完成一次心灵的净化。
In the modernized urban construction, we should not merely "make foreign things serve china", should inherit and develop the idea of the suitable our own traditional environmental view too, reach" make the past serve the present ". 在现代化的城市建设中,我们不仅仅应该洋为中用,也应该继承与发展适合我们自己的传统环境观的理念,即达到古为今用。
So we must try to improve our own agricultural products quality, to perfect our own standard system and make it international and Industrialization. 今后的工作的重点放在努力提高自身产品的质量、完善标准体系上来,走国际化、产业化的路线。
On the one hand, we should make efforts to push our own standards to the world and make it to be accepted by the other countries. 一方面我们应当重视社会责任标准化的活动,争取把本国的标准推向世界并为各国所公认。
Conclusion puts forward the idea that human nature in the crisis will find the way to the bright future finally, the analysis of the theme of The Glass Menagerie gives us many useful ideas and the progress of our own culture should make good use of others. 结论部分指出:危机中的人性最终将找到通向美好明天的道路,对《玻璃动物园》主题的分析使我们得到许多有益的理念,我们文化的发展需要充分利用其他文化的成果。
We fully utilize the operators of signalling private network, and our own Intranet interworking is to make full use of advantages, urban broadband transmission network, and making full use of the advantage of various units of information resources has made an example. 我们充分利用了运营商的信令专网和我们自已的内部网互联互通的优势,对充分运用城市宽带传输网、充分利用各单位的优势信息资源作出了榜样。